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How to Crack JEE Advanced 2021 Exam in 1 Month

Tips To Crack IIT JEE Advanced In 1 Month

As JEE prelims must be finished, aspirants should now focus on JEE Advanced. The preparations are going to be tougher as the syllabus is very difficult and the exam is harder to crack. It is quite common for students to find an easy and effective way to prepare for JEE Advanced and this brings us to this question- ‘how to crack JEE Advanced 2021 exam in just 1 month?’. This particular article is mainly prepared to give you tips to crack IIT JEE Advanced in 1 month along with some secrets too. 

How to Crack JEE Advanced in 1 Month?

Preparing strategy is the main key here when you are worried thinking about how to crack the JEE Advanced 2021 exam in 1 month and what should be your strategy. Remember it takes a shorter time for JEE Advanced to come knocking at your door. A well-prepared study plan and a time management plan are very important to get efficient preparation. Wondering how to crack JEE Advanced in just 1 month? Hard work and proper concentration can do wonders for you. To begin with, the tips to crack IIT JEE advanced in 1 month, you must work hard prepare a proper plan and work for it.

As you are searching for strategies to help you in a short period we have prepared a list of seven secret strategies which will help you to crack JEE Main and Advanced in 1 month. The following section unravels all those. 

Secrets to Crack JEE Main and Advanced in 1 Month

  • Know the Syllabus and Exam Pattern Thoroughly

    The first of all the 7 tips to crack IIT JEE Advanced in 1 month is knowing what you are going to face while you appear in the exam. There will be JEE Advanced paper 1 and 2 (containing questions from Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics in MCQ format) which you have to finish in just 3 hours. Negative marking of 1/4th marks is there to increase your trouble.

  • Identify important Chapters and Revise them properly

    In your quest of how to crack JEE Advanced in 1 month, the next step for you is to select the more important chapters from each subject and revise them one after another. Mechanics, waves, thermodynamics, electromagnetism are a few important chapters in Physics. In Chemistry, general organic, inorganic and physical portions are some important topics. Matrices and determinants, permutation and combination, sequence and series are important in Mathematics.

  • Refer to Study Materials and Attend Online Classes

    You should go through textbooks, reference books, and the study materials provided by the online learning portals such as They cover the topics in a precise and to-the-point manner that will help you in preparing for the exam. The live last-minute online sessions conducted by teachers are also a great help when it’s just one month to go for the final exam day.

  • Give more time to Practice

    The next point in the tips to crack IIT JEE Advanced in 1 month is devoting more and more time to rigorous practice. Be it Math's, Physics or Chemistry, you should be practicing problems as much as you can and learn time management. This will make you practice and expertise in quick solving of problems.

  • Do not go for new Topics

    If you have left any particular chapter in any subject, this is not the right time to start with it. Remember you are here to know the strategy of how to crack JEE Advanced in 1 month and venturing new chapters will be a completely wrong idea.

  • Set a Daily Routine

    Among the seven secrets to crack JEE Main and Advanced in 1 month, preparing a daily routine for studying and following it is important. Divide the time you study in equal categories and allocate chapters from all subjects based on the importance and your level of preparation.

  • Do not overwork and get stressed

    Yes, we get it that stress is quite natural but letting that overpower you will lead you to lose your concentration. All your preparations will be in vain if the fear of the exam gets into your nerves. To cover that, you will tend to work more and eventually become tired. What is the ultimate result? Zero.
    So, it is very important to keep yourself cool and stay healthy. While it is one month to go before JEE advanced, these tips will help you immensely. Till then, concentrate on your studies and practice harder.

These are some of the tips that will help you score extremely well in NEET 2021. has come up with NEET courses for the students. We provide live lectures, so that it is easy for the aspirant to learn in more effective way.

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If you are left with just 10 days for the preparation before the exams.. then you can go through our blog for how to prepare in just 10 days. These tricks and tips will really be helpful for you to prepare in just 10 days.

All the very best for your exams. Study well and do well.


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