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JEE Main to be held in four cycles

The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main will be conducted in four cycles. The first session of JEE (Main) 2021 was held by the National Testing Agency (NTA) in February.

“For the convenience of students, JEE (Main) will be held in four session. The first session will be in February, second will be in March, third in April and fourth and last session will be in May,” the minister of Education Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ said on Twitter. Candidates may appear once, twice, thrice or four times for JEE Main.

Students can appear for the exam as per their convenience. Candidates can appear in all four sessions and their best score in JEE Main will be considered as their final marks.

Union minister announced that the JEE Main exam paper will have a total of 90 questions of which students will have to answer 75. Students will have to answer 25 questions out of 30 in each section of chemistry, physics and mathematics. ‘There will be negative marking for the remaining 15 questions’ As per NDTV. The JEE Main will be held at designated exam centers across the country.

For the first time JEE Main 2021 was held in 13 languages including English, Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, Assamese, Kannada, Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu, Odia and Malayalam.

NTA said that there no age limit for candidates applying for JEE (Main). Those who have appeared for 12th or any equivalent course can appear for JEE.


The main objective of conducting JEE Main 4 times in a year is to help students in case one bad day, due to any reason, should not hamper their chances of taking admission in a good engineering college.

It’s best to attempt JEE Main all four times to improve your score and for experiencing the exam pressure that we feel while giving the exam. You will feel more familiar with each JEE Main paper you attempt.

To reduce the pressure of Board exam and JEE, you can skip the JEE Main session which will be near to your board exams. But, this decision totally depends on how well you are prepared for Board exams.

Yes definitely, a dropper student can also take the JEE Main four times (February, March, April and May), just like the rest of the candidates.


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