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10th results are out, and there is a question striking in every student’s mind “What next after 10th”?

Chill buddy! It’s isn’t fatal problem. Everyone in your situation will be under lot of unwanted pressure. Like I was too. It is one of the most important milestones in every student’s life.

You must have some kind of dream right?

I know there is confusion on what to choose- Science, Commerce or Arts? Every field has a lot of career opportunities but choosing the right stream should be your main concern.

Sachin Tendulkar failed in 10th, but he was quite clear on what he wants to do. Are you clear? Do you have any plan? I know most of you are confused about your career path. Class 10th is most important crossroad of your career. One wrong decision can change your life. Choose wisely.

So, which stream to choose? And most importantly which board to select?

You have a lot of career options but choosing the right one is most crucial. You can always take help from career counselors or give aptitude. You can research yourself based on your interests. ‘Plan your career’, this is the most common mistake people make because they don’t know what they actually want.

Major Mistake’s students make while choosing the stream:

  • Following the crowd

    This is one mistake most of the students unknowingly make. There was my friend; I asked him ‘why are you opting commerce?’ Well I expected a genuine answer but he answered ‘because my friends have decided to take commerce’. This is what is called “Following the crowd”. Choose the stream you have interest in or you can do best in. Follow your passion; your friends have nothing to do with your passion because it’s your passion. You don’t have to do what others are doing, you can be different.

  • Parental/Societal pressure

    Let’s look up at a common scenario.
    Dad I want to take up Arts.
    Ummm… There is no future in the Arts stream. You have to do CA. Look at Sharma Jis son. He had done CA and see now he is doing very well in his life.

    I know many of you have faced this situation. You need to understand if someone did excellent in his/her field doesn’t mean even you’ll be doing great in the same field. You can never compare yourself to any other person out there. You have your own likes and dislikes; you are not the exact photocopy of that person. So, follow your passion.

  • Lack of knowledge

    There are plenty of career options available now. If you go 10-20 years back from now, there were very limited options. With proper guidance you can choose the path which can help you achieve your goal.


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