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What if you failed in NEET after preparing for 2 long years??

NEET entrance examinations have cut-throat competition, due to lower selection rate for admission in medical courses. If the competition is so tough and the seats are also limited, then there are chances that you fail NEET, and it’s completely fine. I know dropping a year is a very complicated decision. Taking a drop depends on whether you are willing to take the risk. Decide, prioritize your expectations and commit to them.

I know these are some Common questions which trouble aspirants this time are what if I fail or I don’t score well? Is it good if I take a year drop? Will I be able to achieve a higher rank in next attempt? Or should I leave all hopes and enroll this year itself?

Always remember you are not on square 1. You must have retained at some amount of knowledge from the past two years. Start from there, identify the deficiencies and work on it. Learn from your past mistakes.

It is said that, “Aim for the Moon, if you miss, you might land among the stars”. If one of your ways is blocked, there are other alternate ways which are still open.

We just need to find that one star, I don’t this it’s that difficult. You must be thinking, If not M.B.B.S degree, then what are the other good options: 


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