FYJC CET exam dates are out. Maharashtra government declared 21st August, 2021 as the exam date for FYJC CET exam. This exam will be held from 11am to 1pm. This exam is for the colleges recognized by the board. This exam is optional, students can decide whether they want to appear for the exam or not. Question paper will be MCQ and OMR based. Students can fill CET application form On the Website- http://cet.mh-ssc.ac.in. Application forms are available from 20/072021 to 26/07/2021. Guidelines for CET exams are also mentioned on SSC board website.

General format of CET exam
1) CET is the common entrance exam for all the students from all the boards.
2) This exam is completely optional
3) This exam is based on state board syllabus
4) It will be a 100 marks paper. Time given for this exam will be 2 hours.
5) Question paper will be in 8 languages, students can appear in any of the language chosen, semi English medium will get the paper accordingly.
6) The exam will be conducted offline in MCQ format
Format of question paper
1) The exam will be conducted for 4 subjects- English, mathematics, science, and social science.
2) Question paper will contain 25 questions of each subject
3) Question paper will be provided in eight different languages-English, Hindi, Gujarati, Kannada, Telugu, Sindhi and Urdu
4) The exam will be based on the topics given in the circular
5) This year there was 25% deduction in syllabus so topics deducted will not come for CET exam.

As CET exam is optional, students have to fill application form individually. Click on the link mentioned above and fill the form. There’s no application fee for SSC students. The centre selected by the students may be allotted to them after considering the number of students in that area.
E hall ticket will be allotted on the given time on the same link. Exam will be conducted by following all safety measures, covid-19 instructions will be followed properly.

Process of Answering
- Question paper will be in MCQ format containing 4 options.
- Student will be allowed to select any one option to darken the circle.
- Black or blue pen can be used to darken the circle
- Any number or word written in the circle will not be valid.
- Rough work can be done on the last page of question paper
After the exam, model answer paper will be given to students. Board will provide certain days for clearing any queries or doubts students have. Final result will be declared once all the doubts and queries are settled.
Result will be declared online.