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How to combat exam stress during JEE Preparation?

How do we increase logical skills and brain grasping power for JEE preparation?

If someone asks you, what did you do to relax yourself while preparing for IIT JEE exams, what will be your answer to it? How to cope up with stress during IIT JEE preparation? Is it critical to take breaks while preparing for IIT JEE exam? Something which is perceived as interruption while studying can be sometimes very interesting, refreshing and even can encourage you to study more. But while studying for the exams, do not focus on something else, just stay focused on your preparation. Small breaks are good but always stay focused to your studies.

While thinking about how to deal with stress during JEE preparation, don’t consider- will you be able to do well in test, or will you get ideal branch in your ideal college, just focus on your exams. Whenever you feel stressed during your preparation, simple involve yourself with something you love. This is the best way to cope up the stress during the preparation of IIT JEE exam.

10 ways to overcome stress and clear JEE mains.

There are many ways, but here we have mentioned just 10 ways to overcome stress during IIT JEE exam.

  • Have a positive outlook while preparing for exams

    You should always be positive. Taking pressure won't fetch you good marks. Rather it will just affect your mental health. Always remember, that you can and you will do it. Keep positive attitude towards your exams.

  • Make daily agenda

    Prepare a schedule and ensure that you follow it thoroughly. It is very important to stick to the plan you've made. Make sure you study according the plan. And also make sure that you prepare the plan as indicated by the specialist and you do not miss out on any topic.

  • Look for assortments in contemplating spots

    There are times when you get bored while studying a single topic, here adjustments in the place of study/practice/revision will be helpful. Try to study at different place at your house, that can be really refreshing and you will even feel great.

  • Eat healthy food and take proper rest

    One of the most important things that is neglected by most of the students is taking proper rest. You must take 8 hours of sleep before you appear for your exams. Your body and brain needs proper rest in order to provide you satisfactory results. Taking proper diet, eating green vegetables and fruits can help you stay fit and healthy.

  • Emphasis on quality education

    There are times when you get bored while studying a single topic, here adjustments in the place of study/practice/revision will be helpful. Try to study at different place at your house, that can be really refreshing and you will even feel great.

  • Analyze your ability before showing up for JEE exam

    Every one of us have some preferred topics. We also have subjects that we are not keen on studying and hence, abstain from examining and re-examining it. Try to analyze yourself and prepare plan accordingly.

  • Don't overlook modification

    It is essential to make modifications in the things around you. Little modification in the study pattern or the place of study will really be helpful. But don't modify too often or don't modify something very similar over and over.

  • Enjoy breaks

    Taking breaks while studying is very helpful to keep your brain and body function well. You can take a nap, talk to friends, do what you love and this can be a great way to overcome stress during exam preparation.

  • Exercise regularly

    It is always advised to exercise in any event for at least an hour or two to keep your body and psyche balanced. If you enjoy walking then go for a brisk walk for around 45 mins.

  • Be confident

    Lastly, always stay confident. Never lose trust in yourself. Believe that you're prepared for the test and you can score really well. Exam stress is natural and everyone out here has to go through it. Just face it, and remember it won't last for long.


All of our lives have changed due to lockdown. To increase logical and brain grasping skills for JEE preparation during lockdown, you must follow the steps given below

  • You can boost up your skills and memory power while studying online. 'Teach yourself' is the main mantra that will help you improve these skills.
  • Study for at least 3 hours without any break and with full concentration power, this will definitely help to enrich your skills.

  1. Have positive outlook
  2. Make daily agenda
  3. Eat healthy and take proper rest.
  4. In studying spots, look for variety
  5. Focus on quality and not quantity
  6. Analyze your aptitude
  7. Never ignore revision
  8. Take small breaks
  9. Exercise regularly
  10. Be hopeful

These are some of the tips that will help you score extremely well in IIT JEE 2021. has come up with JEE courses for the students. We provide live lectures, so that it is easy for the aspirant to learn in more effective way.

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