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Problems faced by students in online classes

Are you even facing problems in online classes? The expansion of the internet and accessibility has led to an increase in the demand for online learning across the country. We all know that online learning is attracting more and more students for better learning experience, but there are students who are facing problems due to lack of technologies. Not everyone has enough access to internet and technologies.

Major problems faced by students with their solutions are listed below:

  • Adaptability

    It is very difficult to adapt to an online learning environment immediately after traditional classroom learning. Due to this sudden change, they are not able to adapt to the online learning. Students have been always studying in the traditional classroom and are not able to focus on online platforms. It is difficult for them to accept the new learning environment.

    Solution: Artificial intelligence helps in providing personalized courses to identify students’ weaknesses and strengths for better learning outcomes.

  • Technical issue

    Not all students are well equipped with a high internet connection that is required for studying online. Due to this, they face problems in virtual learning and connecting other platforms that require internet connection. Slow and fast internet connection plays a huge difference in online studies. There is a possibility of poor connectivity if they find issues in downloading some information related to the subject, blurred videos, etc.

    Solution: You need to find a high-speed internet connection at your home. And connect to the technical support as soon as some problem arises.

  • Lack of computer knowledge

    Lack of computer knowledge is a major concern in today’s world. There are many children who cannot operate basic computers with MS word and PowerPoint. And whenever some technical issues emerge, they find it difficult to solve it.

    Solution: Students should be provided access to support devices that can help them solve their technical problems via call, email or live chat.

  • Time management

    In many cases students face problems in managing their time with online learning. Online learning is completely new for them.

    • Avoid distractions
    • Create to-do list
    • Seek help from parents and friends
    • Avoid multitasking

  • Self motivation

    In many cases students face problems in managing their time with online learning. Online learning is completely new for them.

    • Avoid distractions
    • Create to-do list
    • Seek help from parents and friends
    • Avoid multitasking

  • Distraction

    Learning from home is sometimes very challenging. At home things are different for example, you might want a massive classroom, playgrounds, canteens, friends, teachers around you. But with online learning, you have to manage everything in one room with parents around and lots of chaos. Small things around can be very distracting sometimes.

    Solution: You should inform your parents and friends about the time of online classes so that there will be no distractions from their side. You can restrict your study area at the time of classes.

  • Learning styles

    Students have learned in the physical classroom. Online learning can make students adapt to different styles of learning. There are some students who can adapt to these styles quickly but some students take time to adapt.

    Solution: One can learn through interaction, visual presentations, audio classes or written notes. Follow the learning style that helps in enhancing your learning experience.


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