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Once I completed 12th std, I was in a great dilemma on choosing upon which course to study further. There are wide variety of courses and specifications available, and choosing one is very difficult. After selecting course I was again in a dilemma ‘should I study in my home country or should I explore foreign education’. I guess this is the common phrase all of you must be going through.

Answer to it was- Yes, it is absolutely worth investing in Foreign studies. Great career opportunities, global networking, multicultural environment, socializing better and much more.

I personally wanted to study abroad. For me studying aboard was just an opportunity to enhance my intrapersonal skills while others take it as an opportunity to travel. There are many benefits of studying abroad as the experience of studying in different country has a great impact on an individual’s life. …  College life is the time you can explore and there is no better way then foreign study.

Then a question arise ‘Is it worth investing in abroad studies?’

Answer to it was- Yes, it is absolutely worth investing in Foreign studies. Great career opportunities, global networking, multicultural environment, socializing better and much more.

I opted for foreign studies.

Reasons why I suggest foreign studies are:

  • You’ll gain new friendships

    College is a place where you form new friendships. Studying abroad is no exception. Better yet, you’ll meet a lot of people from different places and gain new friends. You'll undoubtedly meet a lot of new people in your first few weeks, and you'll be able to develop those friendships over the course of an entire academic year.

  • It will deepen your learning

    The ultimate purpose of college is learning. You’ll be able to see your field of study from a different perspective. A new learning environment will create more interest. You will get a chance to see how areas of study is applied in the location you are visiting.

    Through International Business Seminars, you meet executives of global companies and learn directly from their experiences. This can deepen your understanding of how business is practiced abroad much more than a traditional classroom setting.

  • You will practice foreign languages

    I know learning a new language isn’t easy. Whether you have been studying one in college and learned other during your primary schooling. Immersing yourself in a foreign language is perhaps one of the best way to learn. Being bilingual is fun, rewarding and great for school, job applications and also adds value to your resume.


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